ethy Sustainability Standards
Industry Champion
The brand is involved in projects or initiatives that improve the industry they operate in, and which go beyond their typical products, services and activities for direct commercial gains. Industry champions support the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda through capacity-building.
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Thriving Communities
Companies have the power to better communities. Actions can range from championing equality and promoting the well-being of their people to engaging with the community to deliver wider social and/or environmental value.
Some of the UK’s targets for supporting resilient communities are:
- Gender equality: Increase the number of female entrepreneurs by half by 2030 and close the gender pay gap.
- An ambition of ending low pay: Government's targets for the National Living Wage (NLW) is to reach 66% of median earnings by 2024. The age threshold should be lowered to 21 years by 2024 from the current 23.
- The annually adjusted Living Wage Foundation targets for the UK’s Real Living Wage are from 18 years and based on the cost of living.
- The UK government’s Inclusive Transport Strategy: Equal access for disabled people using the transport system by 2030. (page 116)
- In line with decarbonisation plans for transport, whereby road vehicles will be zero emissions by 2040 and a net zero emission rail network by 2050, the government will support UK businesses to reduce the emissions of their employee’s commuting. (page 5, page 7 and page 191)
Community Champion
The brand is involved in projects or initiatives that benefit the community and which go beyond their typical products, services and activities for direct commercial gains.
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Industry Champion
The brand is involved in projects or initiatives that improve the industry they operate in, and which go beyond their typical products, services and activities for direct commercial gains. Industry champions support the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda through capacity-building.
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Fair Trade Certified
The products are sourced from a verified fair trade supply chain and are fair trade verified.
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Empowered Employees
The brand takes action to empower its employees to be happier, healthier and live more sustainably.
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Social Enterprise
An organisation with a primarily social purpose, rather than being driven by the need to maximise profit for shareholders and owners. They reinvest or donate at least half of their profits to support the community in overcoming a need or a challenge.
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Gives to Charity
The brand provides either a monetary donation or other tangible support to a registered charity on an ongoing basis.
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Female Led
The brand has an active female owner, founder, director or CEO.
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Living Wage
The brand pays the Living Wage to all directly employed staff, ensuring a decent standard of living in the UK and in London. Real Living Wage is independently-calculated annually by the Resolution Foundation and overseen by the Living Wage Commission.
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Registered Charity
The organisation is a registered Charity in the United Kingdom.
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The company is structured as a Cooperative, meaning it is member-owned.
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