ethy Sustainability Standards

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Responsible Resource Usage and Production
Sustainable management of resources across both production and consumption helps to minimise the use of natural resources and in turn lower emissions.
The UK’s targets for supporting responsible resource usage and production are:
- Using natural resources more sustainably and efficiently: Doubling resource productivity by 2050.
- Clean air: Halving the effects of air pollution on health by 2030.
- Clean and plentiful water: Improving at least three-quarters of our waters to be close to their natural state as soon as possible.
- Minimising waste: Eliminating avoidable plastic waste by the end of 2042 and achieving zero avoidable waste by 2050.
Water Efficient
The brand is taking measurable steps to reduce the amount of water used and wasted.
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Circular Economy
The brand has implemented a circular business model that is designed to keep products and materials in use to reduce the amount of waste and pollution created.
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Waterless Products
The brand offers water-free alternatives to conventional products that most often contain water.
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UK Made
The brand manufactures its products in the United Kingdom.
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