
Connecting companies with customers for honest reviews and insightful feedback
Connecting companies with customers for honest reviews and insightful feedback

Customer reviews platform Feefo takes the guesswork out of choosing products and services by connecting customers with companies for real, honest feedback through reliable, verified  and fake-free reviews. You discover what others think about these companies, and businesses get insights that help them do better, build their business and boost their reputation.

Used by thousands of global clients, Feefo puts CSR at the heart of its operations. Working closely with ethy, the company has earned recognition for its focus on waste reduction, resource efficiency and minimal plastic use.

Feefo has also been recognised for its commitment to Thriving Communities. As a Living Wage employer, the company supports employee-suggested charities at both a local and national level, and empowers its employees to do good in their local communities through project work and volunteering. This includes giving each member of the business an additional two days off a year to devote to a good cause of their choice.

Underpinning all of its sustainability activities is Feefo’s new Sustainability Working Group, formed to champion ongoing improvements – large and small – across all areas of the business. Feefo’s Petersfield office, for example, already has solar panels on its roof. The group will take lessons learned from that project and apply them to other Feefo sites, such as its offices in London and Boston.

The group is also working hard to reduce overall energy demand from its current working practices and is exploring a host of IT technologies that will help it reduce its carbon emissions, all while maintaining its commitment to provide customers with trustworthy, authentic feedback.

Furthermore, Feefo has partnered with ethy to provide consumers even more transparency. The collaborative solution makes it possible for brands to display their ethy verified green claims alongside their Feefo verified customer reviews and ratings, empowering consumers to make informed choices. Look for the blue Feefo x ethy verification mark that shows which brands have verified their sustainability claims.

Verified sustainability claims

Feefo is taking action for a more sustainable future. The following claims have been proof-backed and verified through ethy, represented by its unique Impact Hive.

See what customers are saying

Feefo Sustainability Awareness Solution, powered by ethy

ethy and Feefo have partnered so you can now see verified green claims alongside verified customer reviews.

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Sustainable Development Goals

Through achieving ethy verification, Feefo demonstrates contribution towards the following Global Goals.

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Empowering you to make informed choices

We have partnered with Feefo to provide you even more transparency. Now you can check out brands’ ethy verified green claims alongside their Feefo verified customer reviews and ratings. Through this collaboration, we are supporting UN Global Goal 17.

Feefo Sustainability Solution, powered by ethy