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Innovative Impact Investment Platform Circa5000 Joins ethy to Drive Sustainable Investing
Thursday 29th September 2022
Circa5000 is the latest fintech company to join ethy, the UK organisation championing environmentally conscious brands and sustainable shopping.
Impact Investment platform CIRCA5000 joins ethy to simplify investing in companies solving real-world problems without sacrificing on returns. ethy is a UK organisation championing environmentally conscious brands and sustainable shopping.
Impact means only investing in and generating a financial profit from companies solving world problems and excluding companies that cause harm. In other words, it’s not just companies trying to do the least bad, but companies actively working to do the most good, and the positive impact of companies within their funds is strictly measured.
Launched as Tickr before a rebrand in 2021, the CIRCA5000 platform now boasts over 150,000 customers. Along the way, it also achieved B Corp status.
The platform enables users to invest their savings in Stocks & Shares ISAs, Junior ISAs, or a General Investment Account (GIA). Most recently, they launched Personal Pensions (SIPPs), fee free until April 2023. Helping people to save for their retirement, without costing the Earth. The platform also offers a free tracing service to help people track down old workplace pensions, with no strings attached.
You can choose from one of three ready-made themes: People, Planet, or People & Planet, or customise your portfolio to create your own mix of funds. The 6 funds are made up of 300 global companies across sectors like clean energy, pharmaceutical innovation and digital learning.
Their customers can expect each company within the funds to be closely aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Callum Miller, CEO of ethy, said: “We are extremely pleased to welcome CIRCA5000 to the ethy family of the world’s most ethical and sustainable brands. The growth of this innovative impact investing platform demonstrates that consumers are looking at the bigger picture on sustainability, not only in what they buy and who from, but also in where they invest their money. CIRCA5000’s technology makes it easy to put your wealth development plans into brands actively driving positive change.”
ethy has revolutionised the certification process for brands looking to prove their environmental and social credentials, having developed an affordable, scalable audit and accreditation solution for consumer brands, from start-ups to multinationals. Covering 35 socially and ethically responsible initiatives across six core paths that represent the most pressing sustainability challenges today, ethy trust marks are rapidly becoming the most recognisable symbol for sustainable brands.
CIRCA5000 has been awarded ethy accreditation for its commitment to empowering employees and providing a living wage, and working with partners to empower women to achieve financial success. ethy has also recognised CIRCA5000 for practising what they preach. CIRCA5000 has mitigated its carbon impact, offsetting its carbon footprint 10 times over.
CIRCA5000 Co-founder, Tom McGillycuddy, comments, “We’re honoured to have been recognised by ethy. It’s clear that the values of ethy’s conscious shoppers closely align with our mission to bring Impact investing to everyone. We believe that fundamentally, being a good impact investor, like being a good investor, is thinking long term, investing regularly, and investing in a diversified way. Impact just adds on a specific focus: what kind of world do we want to live in in the future? Let’s invest in that.”
ethy’s popular sustainable shopping guide app will bring CIRCA5000’s Impact investment message to the app’s 10,000+ active users, along with helpful guides, features, and articles on Impact investing.
When investing, your capital is at risk.
To find out more about ethy, Circa5000 or to arrange an interview with senior figures at either brand, please get in touch with the team at Quick Brown Fox PR:
Katie Stainton / Account Manager Fox /
Richard Stevenson / Head Fox /
TEL: 01797 360 581
Editors notes
Formed in 2020, ethy set out to give all consumer brands the chance to prove their ethical and sustainable credentials by significantly lowering the cost of accreditation while offering consumers a simpler way to recognise and shop for the most conscientious brands. In line with UN Sustainable Development Goals and partnered with organisations such Carbon Neutral Britain, WWF and the Association of Sustainability Practitioners (ASP) ethy is championing sustainable shopping through bright, visual ethy trust marks and a consumer app highlighting the best ethical brands.
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