
Footprint Digital

Footprint Digital

Footprint Digital - Humanising Digital

Founded in 2011, the vision of Footprint Digital's creators was to transform the digital landscape for businesses. They aimed to build an agency that wasn't just about meeting expectations, but surpassing them. Their ethos centred around bringing a more human touch to the digital domain, nurturing a supportive team of experts, and fostering an environment for continuous learning and growth.

Over the past decade, Footprint Digital has not only expanded in size and expertise but also retained the fundamental values that have been their guiding principles—openness, honesty, fairness, and a familial culture.

In addition to providing accessible technical expertise and education, Footprint Digital has been dedicated to making a positive impact on the planet. They understand the environmental challenges posed by the digital space and, as part of their commitment to sustainability, have developed a Digital Carbon Footprint Audit. This tool helps their clients understand their website's carbon emissions and strategize for their reduction.

The Digital Carbon Footprint Audit service aligns with our common goal of championing sustainability and creating better user experiences through reduced carbon impacts. Footprint Digital acknowledges their ongoing learning process in sustainability and utilises their tech skills and innovative spirit to help others on their journey toward sustainable practices."

Their journey toward sustainability has been marked by their membership with 1% for the Planet in 2021. This step involved contributing 1% of their annual revenue to charitable causes focused on environmental betterment, such as their support for Building Malawi's tree planting initiatives. Their commitment to environmental responsibility was further highlighted by their achievement of B Corp status in 2023.