


Bring your impact to life. Ecologi is a platform for Climate Action, helping individuals, families and businesses become Climate Positive.

Ecologi provides ways to help restore the planet through a monthly subscription. People can contribute to climate projects and compensate for their carbon footprint. For less than the cost of a cup of coffee and a pastry per week, you can become climate positive.

Carbon avoidance

Ecologi uses your money to support a broad range of projects that are able to evidence that they are reducing or avoiding greenhouse gas emissions.

Each month Ecologi supports a range of carbon avoidance projects that are certified at the very highest level by Gold Standard or the Verified Carbon Standard. Their funding strategy is guided by their Climate Committee and follows the Project Drawdown framework.


It’s now common knowledge that one of the best tools to tackle the climate crisis and keep our temperatures from rising above 1.5C is to plant trees. They are also crucial in preventing ecological collapse.

Ecologi have a range of amazing reforestation partners, growing millions of trees per month.

Ecologi is now considered a market leader having funded the planting of over 50 million trees and offset 2.3 million tonnes of CO2e.